The Beginning...
Dazzle Coffee began as an idea created under the tropical sun in Belize, where Corey Wertenberger was taking a much-needed vacation from his job. He had managed several coffee shops in Seattle and Austin for a much larger coffee conglomerate (which shall remain nameless), but he had been thinking about starting a business of his own. Corey considered the things that he liked about his normal coffee routine. He liked all-natural ingredients, premium roasted Arabica beans, fruit smoothies, friendly baristas, and lots of chocolate. He saw an opportunity to improve the coffee experience, though, by speeding up service and maintaining an emphatic focus on product quality. Thus, while lounging in a hammock under a palm tree, the drive-through-only concept of Dazzle Coffee was born. Dazzle Coffee opened in downtown Pflugerville, Texas in 2006, as a venture owned by Corey Wertenberger and Mike Scheschuk.
The Future...
We’ve had many great milestones over the years, including serving our 250,000th customer in 2010, opening our second store in Round Rock in 2014, and celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2016. Our biggest success, though, has been the relationship that we’ve built between our employees and our customers. Many of our staff members and customers have been with us since we opened in 2006, and for that we are very grateful.
It’s been a pleasure to become a landmark in such a great community. The support we have received from Pflugerville, Round Rock, and Austin – and beyond -- has been spectacular. Thank you for your business!